Monday, 7 May 2018

Jonathan Kome - God in Me Lyrics

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Jonathan Kome - God in Me Lyrics


God In me
I in You forever
You are all that matters to me
You are all that matters to me

The system of this world has failed
But You alone stands
You are the true God and King
When the whirl wind of the world blows
You are the Anchor I need
Patiently I will follow
Patiently I will hear thee
Patiently I will live this life life for you

God In me
I in You forever
You are all that matters
You are all that matters to me

Verse 2:
Your breath I breath
Your looks I have
Truly I am Yours
Teach me to Love the way
And Hate the way you hate
I see the Pathway for me/us just to find my/our way to You
Patiently I will follow
Patiently I will hear thee
Patiently I will live this life life for you

God In me
I in You forever
You are all that matters
You are all that matters to me

I give my life…just to gain yours alone
Cos I realise that all I need is you
Teach me how to walk with you with my ears and not my eyes
So the world will see that you live through me.

Repeat Chorus

You in me
I in you Forever(4times)ma

Download song here


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