Monday, 7 May 2018

A'dam - Alaafin Orun Lyrics

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Be blessed as you sing along.

A'dam - Alaafin Orun Lyrics


Heyyyyyy Heyyyyyy
Heyyyyyy Heya Hey!

Verse 1:
I see a vision
I see the king
I hear the Lion
Who calls me son
Tho I’m not worthy
Yet you have chosen to love me
By your grace and mercy
I am your prince

Alaafin Orun o! (echo)
Alaafin Orun o! (echo)
As we gather in this place
Let us feel your warm embrace
Ruler of the universe Take control

Verse 2:
Show us your power
Show us your hand
Show us your wisdom
That has no end
Tho we’re not worthy
Yet you have chosen to save us
By your grace and mercy
We are your own

Alaafin Orun o! (echo)
Alaafin Orun o! (echo)
As we gather in this place
Let us feel your warm embrace
Ruler of the universe Take control

Heyyyyyy Heyyyyyy
Heyyyyyy Heya Hey!
(repeat) (chants)

Alaafin Orun o! (echo)
(lift up your heads o ye gates)
Je ki Oga ogo wole wa o!
(Alaafin Orun o!)

As we gather in this place
Let us feel your warm embrace
Ruler of the universe Take control

(Repeat chorus)

Download song here


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